Asesment : Journal Of Counseling Guidance en-US (Journal Manager Asesment) (P3M STAIKu) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Jurnal Analyzing Therapy for Children with Special Needs: Slow Learners and Mentally Impaired Using the Literature Review Method <p>Children with physical and motor disorders are people with forms of abnormalities or disorders in the</p> <p>muscle, bone and joint systems which can result in impaired coordination, communication, adaptation,</p> <p>mobilization and impaired development of personal integrity. This research aims to find out the basic</p> <p>concepts and appropriate stages of therapy for children with special needs with intellectual, physical,</p> <p>motor, mental retardation and slow learners. With this research, the education system of inclusive schools</p> <p>for children with special needs is given more attention by implementing but which is appropriate for</p> <p>children with special needs. intellectual disabilities, physical motor skills, mental retardation, and slow</p> <p>learners. This research method is Literature Review or literature review. Method of searching for articles</p> <p>in research journal databases and searching via the internet. This Literature Review was synthesized using</p> <p>a narrative method. The data used in this research is secondary data. Based on search results on Google</p> <p>Scholar with the keywords children with special needs, physical motor barriers, intellectual barriers and</p> <p>slow learners, researchers found 1,180 journals that matched these keywords. One way to overcome the</p> <p>dysfunction that occurs in a mentally retarded person so that the body organs of a mentally retarded child</p> <p>function optimally is by carrying out various types of therapy.</p> Nadia Chairani Lia Copyright (c) 2024 Asesment : Journal Of Counseling Guidance Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Teacher Career Selection and Development at the Bandung University Foundation Based on Life Span Theory, Super Theory (Crisis and Transition in Adult Careers) <p>Career guidance is an effort to prepare individuals to understand and adapt to the conditions of the job market (Fitria et al., 2020). Super life span theory, which Donald Super coined, is better known as the super theory. This theory is a theory that discusses in-depth individual career development. An individual is declared mature in a career if he or she has been able to successfully pass each stage of career development (González, A., 2008). Most adults choose to stop working and are not comfortable with their work, and their work they do not get self-satisfaction with what they do. This illustrates the very minimal knowledge that graduates currently have about jobs and job information that suits them. This research aims to discover how teachers' careers develop and adapt at the Bandung Education Foundation. The research method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method, with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The subject of this research is one of the teaching staff at the Bandung Education Foundation. The research results show that the subject has been able to adapt and carry out his career development well in accordance with the theory of career selection and development according to the Life Span theory and super Theory (crisis and transition in adult careers).</p> Dwi aulia sasmita, syulis wulandari sidabalok, natasha shan, rizky yolanda putra dwi, m. fadel jayadi Copyright (c) 2023 Asesment : Journal Of Counseling Guidance Fri, 12 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Menganalisis Trapis Dalam Pembinaan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Pada Hambatan Penglihatan, Pendengaran dan Komunikasi <p>This research analyzes the trappings of coaching Children with Special Needs on Vision, Hearing, and Communication Barriers. The subject of this research is children with special needs who have vision, hearing, and communication barriers. The research method used is the Literature review method. The literature review method is a form of research by searching existing research and literature. Research was carried out by reviewing the literature to obtain references appropriate to the research topic. The data sources used as material for this research are books, journals, and internet sites related to the chosen topic. The analysis of this research concludes that the ideal traps to use are the sand playing traps to improve motor skills for children with special needs who are visually impaired and the traps as a video visual learning medium for children with special needs who are hearing impaired.</p> Yunanda Putri Panjaitan Copyright (c) 2024 Asesment : Journal Of Counseling Guidance Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Universitas Negeri Medan Analyzing the Application of the Theory of Career Selection and Development according to Tom Holland to Students <p>Career guidance is one aspect of developmental guidance, so it is very necessary throughout a child's development. According to Holland, a very basic important element is that choosing and adapting a career is a reflection of a person's personality. One's career choice will represent an expansion of one's personality and an attempt to implement a broad range of personal behavioral styles within the context of one's work life. The subjects in this research were students in class IX-3 with a total of 30 students. The data collection technique used to analyze the data was by distributing questionnaires over a number of sheets of paper and analyzing them again using a Google Form review and the percentage results are then managed to find problems. This research uses primary data sources, the data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis . So research results were found which showed that some students at the school did not have interest and talent in investigative and conventional environmental models. So that there is no suitability for applying Tom Holland's theory among students, which means that the problem is found in the field of learning, namely learning difficulties in understanding regular number calculations as well as well-organized language and the intellectual domain which influences the personality in determining the next career direction. because it is difficult to be an individual who is systematic and structured and has good and thorough planning. What role a counselor can play in providing career guidance services really depends on the focus of the career guidance/counseling they are dealing with.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nadia Chairani Lia Copyright (c) 2024 Asesment : Journal Of Counseling Guidance Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analyzing Student Career Development at State Middle School 35 Medan Based on Life Span Theory, Super Theory <p>The research was conducted to analyze and determine the career development of students at SMP Negeri 35 Medan based on the Life Span Theory and super Theory. Here, the research subjects were 30 students at SMP Negeri 35 Medan. This research uses primary data sources, which are obtained directly by researchers. This research uses a questionnaire method, so the data source is students at SMP Negeri 35 Medan. Data is analyzed quantitatively, which is systematic scientific research on parts and phenomena and the causality of their relationships. Quantitative research aims to develop and use mathematical models, theories, and/or hypotheses related to a phenomenon. From the results of the research that has been carried out, it is clear that the students who are the research subjects can be seen from the results of the questionnaire answers given to this question. In the twelfth question, whether you are confident and easily mix with others. There were 33.3% who answered Yes and 66.7% answered No. A problem found among students was a lack of self-confidence. This is related to self-concept with the theory of career selection and development according to the Life Span Theory and super Theory regarding (child and adolescent development). So that self-concept is a part and description of the whole self, it can be concluded that a lack of self-confidence can affect an individual's self-concept later.</p> Yohana Kezzia Br Tarigan , Cinta Wulandhara Lubis , Lia Erika, Anggi Agustia Lubis, Dea Nisya Nabila Copyright (c) 2023 Asesment : Journal Of Counseling Guidance Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000