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Children with physical and motor disorders are people with forms of abnormalities or disorders in the

muscle, bone and joint systems which can result in impaired coordination, communication, adaptation,

mobilization and impaired development of personal integrity. This research aims to find out the basic

concepts and appropriate stages of therapy for children with special needs with intellectual, physical,

motor, mental retardation and slow learners. With this research, the education system of inclusive schools

for children with special needs is given more attention by implementing but which is appropriate for

children with special needs. intellectual disabilities, physical motor skills, mental retardation, and slow

learners. This research method is Literature Review or literature review. Method of searching for articles

in research journal databases and searching via the internet. This Literature Review was synthesized using

a narrative method. The data used in this research is secondary data. Based on search results on Google

Scholar with the keywords children with special needs, physical motor barriers, intellectual barriers and

slow learners, researchers found 1,180 journals that matched these keywords. One way to overcome the

dysfunction that occurs in a mentally retarded person so that the body organs of a mentally retarded child

function optimally is by carrying out various types of therapy.


Children with special needs slow learners mentally retarded

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