Asesment: Journal of Counseling Guidline!
Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2023!
e-ISSN: xxxx xxxx | p-ISSN: xxxx xxxx!!
Muhamad Nursandi, Siti Meylan Antikadewi!
Islamic Education Counseling Guidance, Faculty of Tarbiyah, Bunga Bangsa Islamic Institute Cirebon,
Indonesia !!
Implementation of guidance and counseling is very necessary in elementary schools, because in practice
not a few students who take part in the teaching and learning process face problems that come from
themselves and the surrounding environment. Among the problems students often encounter in the field,
include playing alone when the teacher is explaining lessons, not wanting to do homework, fighting with
friends, getting angry at friends who make mistakes, not attending school, talking dirty and cheating on
exams. Schools as educational institutions are responsible for fostering student character, therefore the
role of guidance and counseling in elementary schools and madrasah ibtidaiah is very important for the
continuity of educational activities in the present and in the future.!
Keywords: Guidance; Counseling; Primary school.!
Introduction !
Education is all efforts and all efforts to make humans able to develop their potential in order to have
religious spiritual strength, personality, self-control, morality, intelligence, and the necessary skills as
members of society and citizens. In addition, education is an effort to form a complete human being born
and mentally healthy, smart, and virtuous (Dra. Yuli Sectio Rini, 2015)!
In education there are several levels, the initial level in education is kindergarten followed by
elementary school or madrasah intifadah, junior high school, high school, and college level.!
The implementation of guidance and counseling is very necessary in elementary schools because in
practice not a few students who follow the teaching and learning process face problems that come from
themselves and the surrounding environment. Among the problems of students that are often encountered
in the field, include playing alone when the teacher is explaining the lesson, not wanting to do homework,
quarreling with friends, being angry at friends who make mistakes, not attending school, talking dirty, and
cheating during exams (Coal, 2018).!
With these problems, a guidance and counseling teacher is expected to be able to carry out guidance
and counseling programs in an integrated manner (related) to the education system in elementary schools
(SD) or madrasah ibtidaiah (MI). In this case, guidance and counseling teachers must cooperate with the
principal and education personnel as managers in the field of administrative and management services.
Teachers as implementers of educational learning, and parents of students as school partners. !
Research Method !
The method carried out in the preparation of this scientific paper uses qualitative research methods
of library research type to obtain an overview of the implementation of guidance and counseling programs
in elementary or MI from the aspect of the profile of the implementing teacher of counseling guidance and
find out how the characteristics of elementary school and madrasah ibtidaiah students through the view of
guidance and counseling.!
According to Bogdan and Biklen (1982), qualitative research seeks to understand and interpret the
meaning of opinions and behaviors displayed by humans in a situation. Fostering student character through
integrated learning, according to the researcher's own perspective field (Ansori, 2020). !
While facilitating the development of expert thinking by using descriptive methods. The descriptive
research method according to Kutha (2010) is an analysis carried out by describing facts which are then
followed by analysis, then providing sufficient understanding and explanation. The data collection technique
in this study uses library research where researchers collect data by reading, and analyzing journals and
articles from previous researchers that have something to do with the object of research.!
In addition to knowing this, this study aims to find out the techniques of understanding students, and
the implementation of guidance and counseling service programs in elementary schools and madrasah
ibtidaiah is like what and how.!
Result And Discussion !
Tutoring in Ibtidaiah Elementary Schools and Madrasahs!
Tutoring according to Oemar Hamalik can be interpreted as guidance intended for students to get
education that suits the interests, talents, abilities and needs of their students. As well as, helping students
to get effective and efficient ways to overcome learning problems experienced.!
In line with this, based on several presentations on guidance and counseling in elementary schools and
madrasah ibtidaiah, that guidance and counseling is applied by considering the aspects of external demands
of the institution and in terms of the condition of children at this age, so that guidance for elementary schools
and madrasah ibtidaiah plays a role in supporting the achievement of institutional demands. The
implementation of guidance in elementary schools and madrasah ibtidaiah is in fact different from the
implementation in secondary schools, both junior high and high school, especially those related to the
function of teachers as guides.!
Guidance in elementary schools and madrasah ibtidaiah emphasizes the role of teachers in the
function of guidance. The focus of guidance in elementary schools and madrasah ibtidaiah emphasizes more
on the development of self-understanding, the ability to relate effectively to others and the development of
problem solving.!
By considering the description of the purpose of implementing guidance and counseling in elementary
schools and madrasah ibtidaiah, it can be stated that the implementation of guidance and counseling in
elementary schools or madrasah ibtidaiah can be seen from at least two parties, namely: students and
teachers (Batubara, 2018).!
1. Students with their abilities, students are expected to be able to achieve: a. The happiness of life in this
world and the hereafter. b. Increased awareness of understanding of oneself and the environment which
includes the school, family, and wider community. c. Development of abilities and qualities of self as
person, social, and human created by God d. Increased self-ability in solving various problems in his life.!
2. Teachers with the implementation of guidance and counseling in elementary schools or madrasah
ibtidaiah, it is hoped that teachers will be able to achieve: a. Development of harmony in carrying out
the teaching and learning process in schools b. Alignment of cooperation with the students, especially
with students who have personal problems. !
3. More intensive cooperation (earnestly) with parents and the wider community in general.!
The achievement of guidance and counseling objectives in guidance and counseling services in schools
and madrasahs is different for each level. This means that seeing optimal development in elementary / MI
children is certainly not the same as seeing junior high school / MTs students and so on. Likewise, seeing the
independence of elementary / MI students is certainly not the same as seeing the independence of junior
high school / MTs students and so on. In other words, the elaboration of the objectives of guidance and
counseling in schools and madrasahs, adjusted to the level of the school and madrasah concerned. More
specifically, the achievement of the above guidance and counseling objectives, both in schools and
madrasahs, must be based on the achievement of the vision, mission, and goals of the school and madrasah
concerned (Ngalimun &; Mz, 2020).!
The strategies carried out by class teachers in carrying out guidance and counseling in elementary
schools or madrasah ibtidaiah are: !
1. Class teachers integrate guidance and counseling materials into appropriate learning materials.!
For example, Indonesian material is used to foster polite character in communicating and likes to
read, civic education material is used to foster an attitude of love for the motherland, religious material
is used to foster character obedience to religious rules, and love for the God of the Universe (Coal, 2018).!
2. Observation techniques are used by teachers to observe the behavior of students during school,
especially during the learning process. !
Teachers observe every movement of students during the learning process and use teacher
assessment sheets to record student behaviors that are considered prominent, namely excellent
behavior and need guidance (Coal, 2018).!
3. Interview techniques are usually used by teachers to explore the causes of problems faced by students.
The results of the interview showed that, one of the common problems faced by elementary school
students is related to learning difficulties and adapting to their peers. !
To overcome this problem, teachers conduct short interviews during the learning process by
asking general questions to students to get feedback (Coal, 2018).
Characteristics of the Learning Process!
The learning process carried out in elementary schools is to carry out interaction activities between
teachers and students which are carried out in two directions or reciprocally which take place in educational
/ learning situations to achieve goals in teaching and learning activities.!
According to Muro and Kottman 1995: 53-54 there are 6 important differences that counselors must
consider in developing guidance and counseling programs in elementary or MI, namely:!
a. The counselor views that students do not yet have order. Therefore, counselors have not been able to
create an absolute learning environment.!
b. Some types of tutoring services are not direct to students, but rather guidance is provided through
teachers and parents.!
c. Children's opportunities to make choices are still limited.!
d. Elementary school students have limitations in accepting their self-responsibility.!
e. The development of guidance programs should start from the basic concepts of guidance, especially
concern to provide assistance to students as learners.!
f. Guidance services in elementary or MI place less emphasis on data storage, testing, educational
planning, problem-solving-oriented approaches, and individual counseling or therapy.!
In line with the description of the characteristics of guidance and counseling in elementary or MI, it is
illustrated that the intervention of guidance services in elementary or MI is mostly carried out through
meaningful people in children's lives such as parents and teachers. Cooperation between teachers and
parents will affect the success of children. Therefore, elementary and MI teachers have a strategic role in the
launch of guidance services.!
Then there are three main characteristics during elementary school / madrasah ibtidaiah that are able
to show differences with the previous period (TK) (Hurlock, 1980: 149-166), namely, first the child's
encouragement to enter the world of games and work that requires muscular skills. Second, encourage
children to get out of the home environment and enter the peer group (peer gorup). And finally, the mental
drive to obey the world of concepts of logic, symbols, and communication maturely (Maliki, 2015).!
In line with that, the difference in teaching and learning activities in kindergartens with elementary
schools / madrasah ibtidaiah inevitably causes various kinds of problems that will arise and will be faced by
Things that are often faced by teachers in elementary / MI Among the negative behaviors of
elementary school children that often get teacher attention from the results of surveys in the field are as
follows (Ngalimun &; Mz, 2020).!
Table 1
Negative Behavior of Elementary School Children and Teacher Actions!
Negative Behavior!
Teacher's actions!
During teaching and learning activities,
students play alone.!
Give advice, give guidance, until the child wants to
write and set an example.!
Don't want to go to school, and prefer to
play PS.!
Give warnings, and sanctions.!
Committing counterfeiting to his friend.!
Advised him.!
Not doing the homework or the job
assigned by the teacher.!
Giving warnings and being sanctioned is
educational, always checking the assigned tasks.!
Time is explained about the lesson, paying
little attention.!
Being counseled, reminded, there may be
something distracting him or her mind that directs
the student's attention.!
Irritability or crying.!
Giving independent life coaching, courageous, not
timid, not whiny but polite.!
Lack of attention when KBM is being
carried out.!
Providing guidance on the cultivation of discipline,
parents are responsible for the absence of children,
so in the meeting parents are invited to exchange
opinions and find solutions.!
Based on Table 1 data, the approach as a guide consists of giving guidance, but still using sanctions
for certain actions, even being expelled for not actively entering class. While the guidance approach avoids
sanctions, a guide needs to look at these negative behaviors more specifically to be given specific assistance
(Maliki, 2015).!
Conclusion !
The process of tutoring in elementary schools and madrasah ibtidaiah emphasizes more on the role of
teachers in the function of guidance, the focus of guidance in elementary schools and madrasah ibtidaiah
emphasizes more on the development of self-understanding, the ability to relate effectively with others and
the development of problem solving.!
Then the approach as a guide consists of giving guidance, but still using sanctions for certain actions,
even expelled for not actively entering class. While the guidance counselor's approach avoids sanctions, a
counselor needs to look at the negative behavior more specifically in order to be given specific help.!
Bibliography !
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