The! purpose! of! writing! is! to! describe! the! availability! of! guidance! and! counseling! facilities! and!
The! conclusion! is! that! guidance! and! counseling! services! in! universities! have! orientation! services,!
information! services,! placement! and! distribution! services,! content! mastery! services,! individual!
counseling! services! (individual),! Group! Guidance! and! Group! Counseling! services,! Group!Guidance!
and! assistance! services! provided! to! students! include! providing! guidance! assistance! in! personal,!
as! instructors! or! professors! merely! provide! foundational! knowledge,! and! students! are! expected! to!
engage! in! independent! learning.! At! the! stage! of! higher! education,! individuals! are! in! their! late!
adolescence!and!early!adulthood,!where!they!are!expected! to!become! independent,!responsible,! and!
Furthermore,! psychological! development! is! not! only! experienced! by! individuals! currently!
According!to!(Sukmadinata,! 2019),!"Guidance!and! counseling!programs!and! services!are!needed! not!
providers! of! quality! human! resources! specializing! in! guidance! and! counseling,! have! specific!
Therefore,! guidance! and! counseling! services! play! a! crucial! role,! as! every! individual! faces!
well-structured,!serving! as!a! guide!for! students!and! quantitative!and!qualitative! researchers!seeking!
The understanding of students in general is the highest role in the world of education that regulates
human behavior patterns from adolescents to real roles, it can be said that students are the process by which
the mindset leads higher or more serious in carrying out the role!(Nasari & Darma, 2013).(
Students in the Indonesian government regulation No.30 of 1990 are students who are registered and
studying at certain universities. Furthermore, according to (Sarwono, 1978), students are everyone who is
officially registered to attend college lessons. with an age limit of about 18-30 years.!
The definition of students according to Knopfemacher (Suwono, 1978) is that they are prospective
scholars who are involved with universities (which are increasingly integrated with society), are educated,
and are expected to become intellectual candidates.!
Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that what is meant by students in this study is
someone who is officially registered at one the private-public and private universities to take part in the
education!(Kurniawati & Baroroh, 2016).!
Functions and Principles of Counseling Guidance in Higher Education!
1. Counseling Guidance Function:(
1) Preventive Function (Preventive)!
The preventive function in its implementation for counselors is part of their very important
duty of duty. In the world of mental health "prevention" is defined as an attempt to influence in a
positive and wise way, because the environment that can cause difficulties or harm actually occurs.!
2) Comprehension Functions!
The function of understanding in question is guidance and counseling that will produce an
understanding of something by certain parties in accordance with student development needs. This
understanding includes:!
1. An understanding of the student's self, especially by the students themselves, parents,
teachers, and guidance teachers. !
2. An understanding of the student's environment (including the family and school
environment), especially by the students themselves, parents, teachers, and guidance
3. An understanding of the wider environment (including educational, title, occupational,
and/or career information, and cultural/values information), especially by school!(Wulandari,
2. General Principles of Guidance Counseling !
1) Guidance should be centered on the individual he is mentoring. !
2) Guidance is given to individuals who are guided to be able to orient themselves in the face of
difficulties in life. !
3) The provision of assistance is tailored to the needs of the individual being guided. !
4) Guidance with respect to individual attitudes and behaviors. !
5) The implementation of guidance and counseling begins with analyzing the needs felt by the
individual being guided. !
6) Efforts to provide assistance must be carried out flexibly.!
7) Guidance and counseling programs should be formulated in accordance with the education and
learning programs in the school concerned. !
8) The implementation of guidance and counseling programs must be led by people who have
expertise in the field of guidance and counseling and their implementation must cooperate with
various related parties, such as doctors, psychiatrists, and other related parties.!
9) To determine the results obtained from the service efforts that have been made, regular and
continuous assessments or equivalence must be held!(Deni, 2011).!
Goals, Objectives, and Benefits of Guidance and Counseling in Higher Education(
1. BK Service Objectives!
In general, BK services aim to help prevent and overcome various problems that are often
experienced by students. These general objectives are described into specific objectives as follows.!
1) Helping students to overcome problems that occur in the achievement of their developmental
2) Provide preventive measures against problems that have the potential to interfere with the
achievement of student development tasks.!
3) Helping students understand themselves includes their potential and weaknesses.!
4) Help students gain an understanding of themselves and their environment. !
5) Helping students compile and develop academic programs and/or other programs in accordance
with their needs and abilities and existing environmental conditions. !
6) Helping students develop themselves optimally by choosing student Activity Units (UKM) and the
like according to their potential.!
7) Help students recognize and develop personal skills that are useful in life in their environment.!
8) Help students adjust to the learning environment at the college.!
9) Help students find effective ways to study in college.!
10) Help students overcome personal and social problems faced while studying at college.!
11) Help direct career direction according to the potential they have.!
2. BK service targets!
The general target of guidance and counseling is individuals registered in the institution or
students, while the specific target of guidance and counseling is the optimal development of all student
3. Benefits of BK services in Higher Education!
1) For Students!
1. Students are able to complete their studies on time for 8 semesters.!
2. Students have superior achievements so that they can provide pride in study programs,
faculties, and the institution itself.!
3. Help solve problems faced by students.!
4. Prevent the emergence of new problems in students.!
2) For Institutions!
Helps improve the performance of study programs, faculties, and universities.!
Higher Education Guidance and Counseling Services(
Counseling Guidance in Higher Education Forms of Counseling Guidance Services in Higher Education
In his book, Prayitno explained that from the forms of services needed, guidance and counseling services can
include the following services:(
1. Onboarding Services!
Orientation means a forward gaze about something new. Orientation services attempt to bridge
the gap between a person's condition and a new atmosphere or object. This service also directly and
indirectly "ushers" the person in question into a new atmosphere or object so that he can benefit from
the new situation or object. Counselors act as bridge builders or agents who actively "usher" someone
into a new area. This service allows clients/counselors to understand the new environment they enter,
in order to facilitate and facilitate the role of students/students in the new environment. The expected
result of orientation services is to facilitate the client's adjustment to social life, learning happiness, and
other activities that support success in the learning process.!!
2. Information Services !
Information services try to meet individuals' lack of the information they need. In this service,
various information is conveyed to service participants. The information is then processed and used by
the individual for the benefit of his life and development. This service is organized by a counselor who
is followed by one or more participants. Understanding gained through information services, is used as
reference material in improving learning activities and achievements, developing ideas, organizing daily
life, and making decisions. There are various kinds of material that can be raised through information
services, which include: self-development information, information on interpersonal, social, values and
morals, educational information, learning activities, and career information.!
3. Placement and Disbursement Services !
Every individual has their own potential, therefore it needs to be developed optimally. Placement
and distribution services are services that help individuals or clients to be able to avoid environmental
conditions that are unfavorable to their potential. Individuals with certain potentials and conditions are
placed in a more harmonious environment so that their potential can develop optimally. In addition, this
service seeks to reduce the minimum possible environmental impact and even seeks greater and optimal
support for the development of individual potential on the one hand, and on the other hand, provides
allows clients to obtain the right placement and distribution. Through this placement and channeling, it
provides the possibility of clients being in the right position and choice, namely with regard to study
groups, work/career choices, extra-curricular activities, training programs, and higher education
according to their physical and psychological conditions.!
4. Content Mastery Services!
Content mastery services are assistance services to individuals to master certain abilities or
competencies. The ability or competence learned is a unit of content in which facts, data, concepts,
processes, laws and rules, values, perceptions, affections, attitudes, and actions related thereto are
contained. These services help individuals master these aspects of content in an integrated manner.
With mastery of content, individuals are expected to be able to have something useful to meet their
daily needs and overcome the problems they experience related to the content in question.!
5. Individual Counseling Services (Individual)!
Individual counseling service Is a counseling service organized by a counselor to a client in order
to alleviate the client's personal problems. In a face-to-face atmosphere, direct interaction is carried out
between clients and counselors, discussing various things about problems experienced by clients. This
service is the heart of the comprehensive counseling service. Individual Counseling (KP) is often the
essential and most meaningful service in the alleviation of client problems. Counselors who are able to
properly apply synergistically various approaches, techniques, and principles of counseling in the
implementation of this service, are believed to be able to also provide other types of services in the
entire spectrum of counseling services.!
6. Individual Group Guidance (BKp) and Group Counseling individually!(KKp)!!
It is a service that involves a number of participants/clients in the form of groups, and counselors
as leaders of group activities. In BKp, general topics of concern are discussed with group members, while
in KKp personal problems experienced by each group member are discussed. Both general topics and
personal issues are discussed through an atmosphere of intense and constructive group dynamics,
followed by all members under the guidance of the group leader (counselor). BKp and KKp services can
be held anywhere, indoors or outdoors, at school or outside school, at one participant's home or at the
counselor's home, in an office or institution, or in the counselor's private practice room. Wherever both
types of BKp and KKp Services are services that include a number of participants/clients in the form of
groups, and counselors as leaders of group activities. In BKp, general topics of concern are discussed
with group members, while in KKp personal problems experienced by each group member are discussed.
Both general topics and personal issues are discussed through an atmosphere of intense and
constructive group dynamics, followed by all members under the guidance of the group leader
(counselor). !
7. Consulting Services !
Consulting services are counseling services carried out by counselors to a customer, called
consultants that allow consultants to gain insight, understanding and ways that need to be carried out
in dealing with conditions or problems of third parties. Consultation is basically carried out individually
in a face-to-face format between counselors (as consultants) and consultants. Consultation may also be
carried out with two or more consultants if the consulates so desire. Consultations can be carried out in
various places and various occasions, such as at school or in the office where the consultant works, in a
family environment that invites counselors, in independent practice (private) counselors, or in places
desired by consultants and approved by counselors. Wherever consultation is held, the atmosphere
created must be relaxed and conducive and allow the implementation of counseling principles and
consultation techniques.!
8. Mediation Services !
Mediation comes from the word ''media'' which means intermediary or liaison. Thus, mediation
means an activity that mediates or connects two things that were originally separate, establishing a
relationship between two different conditions; Make contact so that two things that were originally not
the same become positively interrelated. With the intercession or connection, the two things that were
previously separated become interrelated and reduce each other's distance, minimize differences and
enlarge the similarity of the distance between the two to be close. The two things that were originally
different benefit from the intercession or connection for the benefit of both. With mediation services
counselors try to mediate or build a relationship between them, so that they stop and avoid further
disagreements that harm all parties.!
9. Advocacy Services !
One of the functions of counseling is the advocacy function, which means defending the rights of
someone who is injured. As is known that everyone has various rights that are generally formulated in
human rights documents. Based on human rights, everyone has rights that guarantee their existence,
life, and development. The advocacy function in counseling seeks to provide assistance (by the
counselor) to the person or client concerned to regain their rights that have been deprived, hindered,
limited, or less fulfilled and even beheaded by other parties.!
Counseling services in higher education are indeed not much different from services in secondary
schools, where here can also be understood as a series of guidance activities that can be conceptualized that
are planned, organized, and coordinated over a certain period of time, for example one school year. Program
units in counseling guidance services are service activity plans and BK support activities in certain periods
held at Universities / Colleges / Academies / Polytechnics / or Institutes. The functions and principles of
counseling guidance in universities are the functions of Prevention (Preventive) and the function of
BK services aim to help students prevent and overcome various problems that may and are
experienced by students. Guidance and counseling services in universities include orientation services,
information services, placement and distribution services, content mastery services, individual counseling
services, Group Guidance and Group Counseling services Group Guidance (BKp), and Group Counseling (KKp).
Consulting services, mediation services, and advocacy services. The assistance services provided to students
include providing guidance in the personal, social, study, and career fields.!
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